Women at Church: Magnifying LDS Women's Local Impact, Now Available! August 28 2014

ISBN 978-1-58958-688-8
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(This title is also available in e-book for Amazon Kindle , Apple iBooks,
Kobo eReader, and Barnes and Noble Nook.)
Early reviews of Women at Church have praised its thoughtfulness and its timeliness:
- “In her timely and brilliant findings, Neylan McBaine issues a gracious invitation to rethink our assumptions about women’s public Church service. Well researched, authentic, and respectful of the current Church administrative structure, McBaine shares exciting and practical ideas that address diverse needs and involve all members in the meaningful work of the Church.” — Camille Fronk Olson, chair of the Department of Ancient Scripture and author of Women of the Old Testament and Women of the New Testament (Deseret Book).
- “Neylan McBaine’s voice is uniquely important. She speaks as a unifier, knowledgeable of gender issues and attentive to all perspectives.” — Margaret Blair Young, co-author of Standing on the Promises.
- “Such a timely, faithful, and practical book! I suggest ordering this book in bulk to give to your bishopric, stake presidency, and all your local leadership to start a conversation on changing Church culture for women by letting our doctrine suggest creative local adaptations—Neylan McBaine shows the way!” — Valerie Hudson Cassler, author of Women in Eternity, Women of Zion.
- “A pivotal work replete with wisdom and insight.” — Fiona Givens, co-author of The God Who Weeps: How Mormonism Makes Sense of Life.
- “Neylan McBaine has a wonderful mind! What I love about it is her ability to focus on the important, essential questions, without getting distracted by instant solutions. Good questions are the only way to finding good answers.” — Clayton M. Christensen, author of The Power of Everyday Missionaries.
- “With her keen insights, Neylan McBaine has emerged as a leading voice in a necessary conversation. Women at Church brings attention to gender issues while offering innovative solutions. A truly remarkable resource that belongs in every Latter-day Saint home!” — Juliann Reynolds, co-founder and member of the Board of Directors of FairMormon.
- “Her approach is one of consensus building, while taking into account the very real differences that occur among members. She is hopeful, and calls for ways of staying within the church in order to improve it for everybody. I like her approach. I find her hope infectious.” — Emily January Petersen, The Exponent
- “This book gives me a lot of reasons for hope.” — S. Hales Swift, FairMormon
- “The book is accessible and offers a way forward for faithful seekers to highlight the contributions of women in the Church and empower all people in the spirit of equity in the Gospel of Christ.” — Lindsay Hansen Park, founder of the Feminist Mormon Housewives Podcast.
- “I thank God for people like Neylan, speaking from a place of faithfulness and rootedness in the Mormon tradition.” — Jana Riess, author of The Twible and Flunking Sainthood.
Read an excerpt from Women at Church here.
Read a Q&A with the author here.