AuthorCast #47: Exploring Mormon Thought, episode 3 May 08 2017
Exploring Mormon Thought, Episode 3: The Meaning of God in Mormon Thought (Part 2)
By Corey Ostler
Part 2 of the First chapter in The Attributes of God.
We go over the following topics:
Subordinate "Gods"
Apotheosis: Human Gods
“God” as a Relationship of Unity Among a Plurality of Persons
God and Perfection
God and Possible Worlds
Learn more about Blake Ostler’s book series, Exploring Mormon Thought.
AuthorCast #46: Exploring Mormon Thought, episode 2 May 08 2017
Exploring Mormon Thought, Episode 2: The Meaning of God in Mormon Thought (Part 1)
By Corey Ostler
Part 1 of the First chapter in The Attributes of God.
We go over the following topics:
The Meaning of "God" In Mormon Discourse
Attribute and Essence
Is "God" a Title or a Name?
God and Monotheism
The Divine Thou
Learn more about Blake Ostler’s book series, Exploring Mormon Thought.
AuthorCast #45: Exploring Mormon Thought, episode 1 May 08 2017
Exploring Mormon Thought, Episode 1: Interview with Blake Ostler
By Corey Ostler
My father Blake Ostler is a well-known Mormon Theologian and Scholar (In a addition to being a full-time attorney ) Over the years he has written several articles for scholarly Mormon publications such as Dialogue, FARMS, Sunstone Mag, Element, and others.
What I want to do is take the complex issues in these books and discuss them in a way that makes sense to the average listener. So this is sort of going to be like taking me to school on a lot of these issues and topics.
For the most part we will go chapter by chapter of each book starting with the first one: The Attributes of God
However I wanted to start off with an episode of getting to know Blake Ostler. His background, journey and motivations for writing these books and so forth.
Learn more about Blake Ostler’s book series, Exploring Mormon Thought.
AuthorCast #35—Conversation with Scott Hales, creator of The Garden of Enid December 13 2016

In this episode, we chat with Scott Hales, author and illustrator of The Garden of Enid: Adventures of a Weird Mormon Girl.
About the book:
Fifteen-year-old Enid Gardner is a self-proclaimed “weird Mormon girl.” When she isn’t chatting with Joseph Smith or the Book of Abraham mummy, she’s searching for herself between the spaces of doubt and belief. Along the way, she must grapple with her Mormon faith as it adapts to the twenty-first century. She also must confront the painful mysteries at the heart of her strained relationship with her ailing mother.
This edition of The Garden of Enid: Adventures of a Weird Mormon Girl recasts the award-winning webcomic as a two-part graphic novel. With revised and previously unpublished comics, it features the familiar story that captivated thousands online, yet offers new glimpses into Enid’s year-long odyssey.
Preview the volume here.
AuthorCast #26 - Adam S. Miller reads from Future Mormon June 16 2016
Adam S. Miller reads “A Manifesto for the Future of Mormon Thinking” from Future Mormon: Essays in Mormon Theology.
Future Mormon by Adam S. Miller presents a hypothetical future generation of Latter-day Saints and their relationship with Mormonism. If current religiosity trends continue, then future generations will face unique challenges in staying connected with their faith tradition in an increasingly non-affiliated society. Future Mormon is, in a sense, a time-capsule. A collection of thoughts and ideas that Adam styles “para-academic” in the sense that he uses academic tools but filters them through a pastoral and exegetical lens. He terms his approach “future-tense apologetics,” and although his volume defends Mormon thought, it is far from defensive. Future Mormon is grounded in the idea that every generation has to find its own connection with faith; and that every generation must re-think the faith tradition from the ground up. In these essays, Adam explores theological and philosophical possibilities: he writes extensively on grace and its role in Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement; he explores the concept of perfectibility in premortal and postmortal worlds; he challenges Platonism in Christianity; and wrestles with the “radical materialism” of Mormonism. This is only a sample of the ideas Future Mormon works through.
“Represents some of the most careful, creative, and charitable work going on in Mormon theology today.” — Association for Mormon Letters
Preview Future Mormon here.
Listen to our AuthorCast interview with Adam Miller.
Authorcast #23 - Joseph M. Spencer May 27 2016
An interview with Joseph Spencer, author of For Zion: A Mormon Theology of Hope.
What is hope? What is Zion? And what does it mean to hope for Zion? In this insightful book, Joseph Spencer explores these questions through the scriptures of two continents separated by nearly two millennia. In the first half, Spencer engages in a rich study of Paul's letter to the Roman to better understand how the apostle understood hope and what it means to have it. In the second half of the book, Spencer jumps to the early years of the Restoration and the various revelations on consecration to understand how Latter-day Saints are expected to strive for Zion. Between these halves is an interlude examining the hoped-for Zion that both thrived in the Book of Mormon and was hoped to be established again.
Preview the volume here.
Authorcast #22 - Adam S. Miller May 16 2016
An interview with Adam S. Miller, author of Future Mormon: Essays in Mormon Theology.
Every generation must start again. Every generation must work out their own salvation. Every generation must live its own lives and think its own thoughts and receive its own revelations. And, if Mormonism continues to matter, it will be because they, rather than leaving, were willing to be Mormon all over again. Like our grandparents, like our parents, and like us, they will have to rethink the whole tradition, from top to bottom, right from the beginning, and make it their own in order to embody Christ anew in this passing world.
Preview the volume here.
Read Adam Miller's "Letter to a CES Student"
Join us June 14, 2016 for a special author event with Adam Miller at Writ & Vision fine art gallery and books in Provo, UT:
Writ & Vision
274 Center Stret
Provo, UT 84601
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