Authorcast #104: Laura Rutter Strickling, author of On Fire in Baltimore: Black Mormon Women and Conversion in a Raging City October 11 2018
On this episode, we chat with Laura Rutter Strickling, author of On Fire in Baltimore: Black Mormon Women and Conversion in a Raging City.
On Fire in Baltimore: Black Mormon Women and Conversion in a Raging City
By Laura Rutter Strickling
$20.95 paperback
$34.95 hardcover
197 pages
Free sample preview
Q&A with the author
Authorcast #103: The Expanded Canon August 24 2018
Episode 103: The Expanded Canon
Hosted by Brian Whitney
On this episode, editors Blair Van Dyke, Brian Birch, and Boyd Petersen discuss the development of the Mormon Studies program at Utah Valley University, their annual conferences, the new UVU Comparative Mormon Studies series with Greg Kofford Books, as well as the contributors and topics in the first volume: The Expanded Canon: Perspectives on Mormonism and Sacred Texts.
For those in the Utah area, please join us for the following events with the editors:
Tue Sep 18 | Writ & Vision (Provo) at 7:00 PM | RSVP on Facebook
Wed Sep 19 | Benchmark Books (SLC) at 5:30 PM | RSVP on Facebook
The Expanded Canon: Perspectives on Mormonism and Sacred Texts
Edited by Blair G. Van Dyke, Brian D. Birch, and Boyd J. Petersen
Part of the UVU Comparative Mormon Studies series
Pre-order your copy
AuthorCast #40: This Month in Mormon Studies March 01 2017

Join co-hosts Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report) in this lively look at the latest happenings in the field of Mormon studies, including news, blogs, new book releases, and events from the past month.
In the News
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on NPR's Fresh Air
Neylan McBaine, “As potters at the wheel, let us shape Utah from inside and outside” in SL Trib
Henry J. Eyring named president of BYU-Idaho
Updates to Joseph Smith Papers website
On the Blogs
“More Thoughts on Mormons and Muslims” by Paul Reeve
“The Modern Mormon Athletic Image” by Ben Park
“The Complexities of History in The Ensign” by Ben Spackman
“The Dance of Discourse” by Hannah Jung
Profile on Greg Kofford Books at AML by Andrew Hall
“Canon as Context: Insights from the Bible Wars” by Mike Austin
Recent Book Releases
Scott Hales, The Garden of Enid: Adventures of a Weird Mormon Girl, Part Two (Greg Kofford Books)
Devery S. Anderson, Ed., Salt Lake School of the Prophets, 1867-1883 (Signature Books)
Reid L. Neilson and Nathan N. Waite, eds., Settling the Valley: Proclaiming the Gospel: The General Epistles of the Mormon First Presidency (Oxford University Press)
Jennifer Reeder and Kate Holbrook, eds., At the Pulpit: 185 Years of Discourses by Latter-day Saint Women (Church Historian's Press)
Book Reviews by Brandt
Ann Taves, Revelatory Events: Three Case Studies of the Emergence of New Spiritual Paths (Princeton University Press)
Faith and Knowledge Conference
Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology
Kate Holbrook speaking at Tabernacle
Call for Papers/Applications
Joseph Smith Papers Conference
Authorcast #9 - Interview with Neylan McBaine October 28 2015
In our latest episode we interview Neylan McBaine, author of Women at Church: Magnifying LDS Women's Local Impact.
Read Neylan McBaine's article, "The Women's Essay," on By Common Consent in response to the LDS Church's recent Gospel Topics essays on priesthood, temple, and women.
Please consider supporting Neylan's Kickstarter campaign to re-launch the Mormon Women Project in combination with Our Cooperative Ministry, an organization committed to reimagining and improving the ways in which faithful women and men can work together locally to bring about more egalitarian administration and joyful experiences in Mormonism, within the framework of current LDS doctrine.
For more information about Neylan and her work, please visit