Authorcast #109: David B. Ostler, author of Bridges: Ministering to Those Who Question August 08 2019
In this episode of the Greg Kofford Books Authorcast, we chat with David B. Ostler about his book, Bridges: Ministering to Those Who Question. We discuss his personal story and what led him to write this topic as well the larger trends of disaffection and disaffiliation from religion in Western society and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as well as ways to reach out and minister to those whose faith has changed.
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Bridges: Ministering to Those Who Question “A deeply Christian book that calls upon us all to seek understanding and minister to the wounded.” —Terryl Givens |
Authorcast #107: James McLachlan, editor of Element, journal for the Society of Mormon Philosophy and Theology March 11 2019
On this episode, we chat with James McLachlan, co-editor of Element: The Journal for the Society of Mormon Philosophy and Theology (SMPT). We discuss James's background, give a basic primer on a few schools of thought within philosophy and their relationship to Mormonism. We also discuss the origins of SMPT, the most recent issue of Element, and the upcoming 2019 SMPT Annual Meeting taking place March 14-17 at the University of Utah.
Click here for details about the 2019 SMPT Annual Meeting.
Subscribe through your podcast app by searching for the Greg Kofford Books Authorcast or watch the full interview at YouTube. Be sure to subscribe to our channel.
Element: The Journal for the Society of Mormon Philosophy and Theology
Volume 8, Issue 1
$9.95 paperback
Authorcast #104: Laura Rutter Strickling, author of On Fire in Baltimore: Black Mormon Women and Conversion in a Raging City October 11 2018
On this episode, we chat with Laura Rutter Strickling, author of On Fire in Baltimore: Black Mormon Women and Conversion in a Raging City.
On Fire in Baltimore: Black Mormon Women and Conversion in a Raging City
By Laura Rutter Strickling
$20.95 paperback
$34.95 hardcover
197 pages
Free sample preview
Q&A with the author
Authorcast #103: The Expanded Canon August 24 2018
Episode 103: The Expanded Canon
Hosted by Brian Whitney
On this episode, editors Blair Van Dyke, Brian Birch, and Boyd Petersen discuss the development of the Mormon Studies program at Utah Valley University, their annual conferences, the new UVU Comparative Mormon Studies series with Greg Kofford Books, as well as the contributors and topics in the first volume: The Expanded Canon: Perspectives on Mormonism and Sacred Texts.
For those in the Utah area, please join us for the following events with the editors:
Tue Sep 18 | Writ & Vision (Provo) at 7:00 PM | RSVP on Facebook
Wed Sep 19 | Benchmark Books (SLC) at 5:30 PM | RSVP on Facebook
The Expanded Canon: Perspectives on Mormonism and Sacred Texts
Edited by Blair G. Van Dyke, Brian D. Birch, and Boyd J. Petersen
Part of the UVU Comparative Mormon Studies series
Pre-order your copy
AuthorCast #90: Interview with William V. Smith February 22 2018
Interview with William V. Smith
Hosted by Brian Whitney
In this episode, we interview William V. Smith about his new book, Textual Studies of the Doctrine and Covenants: The Plural Marriage Revelation
Read Bill's article, "A Very Brief History of D&C Section 132: The Plural Marriage Revelation"
William V. Smith will be signing books and speaking at a panel discussion hosted by Writ & Vision in Provo on Tuesday, March 13th. The panel will also feature Lindsay Hansen Park (Year of Polygamy podcast) and independent historian Don Bradley. The event is free to attend and begins at 7PM. Writ & Vision is located at 274 W. Center Street, Provo, UT.
Textual Studies of the Doctrine and Covenants: The Plural Marriage Revelation
By William V. Smith
Part of the Contemporary Studies in Scripture series
Purchase your copy
AuthorCast #66: AuthorCast Round Table Discussion August 16 2017

Round table discussion on Perspective on Mormon Theology: Apologetics. Topics discussed: nature and utility of apologetics, particularly in academic discourse. "Good vs Bad" apologetics. Participants: Blair Van Dyke, Stephen Smoot, Joseph Spencer, Amanda Brown, Loyd Ericson. Moderated by Brian Whitney. Discussion took place at Writ & Vision in Provo, Utah, on Thursday, August 3, 2017.
Preview the volume here.
Read a Q&A with the editors here.
AuthorCast #55: This Month in Mormon Studies June 16 2017

Join co-hosts Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report) in this lively look at the latest happenings in the field of Mormon studies, including news, blogs, new book releases, and events from the past month.
Highlights from this month include: MHA 2017, barbecue, Book of Mormon as literature, Joseph Smith: Monogamist?, LGBT history in Utah, new history of the Church, and David Bokovoy's mustache.
In the News
Passing of Nathan Ulrich
Passing of Charles S. Peterson
Administrative changes at Maxwell Institute
On the Blogs
Ardis Parshall, "The Sailor and the Apostle: 'The Thinking Has Been Done'?"
Ben Park, "LDS Church Distances Itself from Boy Scouts: Some Thoughts"
Matt B, "Ted Chiang, 'Arrival,' Mormons, Science Fiction, Angels, Time Travel, Sex, Free Will, The Tower of Babel, and the Secular: A Roundtable"
Michael Austin, "The Chosen People are Always Wrong"
Michael Austin, "Scripture as Genre"
Steve Evans, "Book Review Roundup"
Blair Hodges, "Troubling the Old Stories with Laurel Thatcher Ulrich"
Juvenile Instructor Summer Book Club Update
Jeff Turner, "The End of the Gathering: Mormonism and Immigration Regulation"
Grant Shreeve, "The Book of Mormon Gets the Literary Treatment"
Digital Content
Joseph Smith Papers updates
Signature Books updates at
LDS Perspectives: "A Heavenly Mother - Rachel Steenblik and Caitlin Connolly"
LDS Perspectives: "Joseph's Seer Stones - Michael Hubbard MacKay"
LDS Perspectives: "Tough Questions about Mormon Polygamy - Brian and Laura Hales"
Year of Polygamy: "The Succession Crisis"
Year of Polygamy: "Lorenzo Snow"
Faith Matters: "Conversations with Terryl Givens"
Recent Book Releases
Joseph Smith Papers: Documents, Vol 5 (Church Historian's Press)
Seth Anderson, LGBT Salt Lake (Arcadia)
Joseph M. Spencer and Jeremiah John, Embracing the Law: Reading Doctrine and Covenants 42 (Maxwell Institute)
Mark D. Ogletree, No Other Success: The Parenting Practices of David O. McKay (BYU RSC)
Gerrit J. Dirkmaat, "A New Voice from the Past: The Council of Fifty Minutes"
Brady Winslow, "Irregularities in the Work of the Nauvoo Lodge: Mormonism, Freemasonry, and Conflicting Interests on the Illinois Frontier"
Brian C. Hales, "Joseph Smith: Monogamist or Polygamist?"
Colby Townsend, "Behold Other Scriptures I Would That Ye Should Write: Malachi in the Book of Mormon"
Joseph Spencer, "Isaiah 52 in the Book of Mormon: Notes on Isaiah's Reception History"
Conferences and Events
Faith Matters: "New Perspectives on Joseph Smith and Translation"
Mormon Scholars in the Humanities
Mormon Transhumanist Association
JSP Documents, Vol 5 release event at Benchmark Books
Mormon History Association 2017 Conference
Sunstone 2017 SLC Symposium
FairMormon 2017 Conference
John Whitmer Historical Association 2017 Conference
Book of Mormon Studies Conference
Call for Papers/Applications
2018 Church History Symposium
2018 Mormon History Association Conference
AuthorCast #43: This Month in Mormon Studies May 01 2017

Join co-hosts Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report) in this lively look at the latest happenings in the field of Mormon studies, including news, blogs, new book releases, and events from the past month.
Highlights from this month include: Blogs becoming independent presses, Mormon studies nerds filing briefs in the U.S. Court of Appeals, Marlin K. Jensen and insider baseball, summer book club, temple ships and Ouija boards, and big words like indigeneity!
In the News
Firm Foundation Expo and bad science
BCC Press; See also
Ben Park in Newsweek; See also
Signature Books digital archives project
Jana Riess The Next Mormons survey: trust gap
On the Blogs
Vincenzo di Francesca: Cultural Impediments in the Way of His Baptism
Mormon Scholars Opposed to Refugee and Immigrant Ban
Embracing the Chaos and Diversity of Mormonism's Past: Laurie Maffly-Kipp's MHA Presidential Address
Mormon Interpreter: Looking Back, Almost Five Years On
“Providing intellectual and devotional frameworks” (Nibley Fellow Reflections)
Looking Deeper Into Joseph Smith's First Vision: Imagery, Cognitive Neuroscience, and the Construction of Memory
An Evening With Elder Marlin K. Jensen
My Thoughts on Patrick Mason's Miller Eccles Presentation
BCC Press Q&A for academic historians
The Third Annual Summer Book Club: A House Full of Females
LDS Women at the Pulpit - Jenny Reeder and Kate Holbrook
Tithing and the Law of Consecration - Steven C. Harper
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich and “A House Full of Females”
Darron Smith interviews on Gospel Tangents
Richard Bennett interviews on Gospel Tangents
On the Erasure of Native Americans from the Book of Mormon Conversation: Thomas Murphy
Kava, Culture, Indigeneity and Mormonism: Daniel Hernandez
God, the Image of God, Theosis, Sex and Godly Creation: Blair Ostler
Recent Book Releases
Steven Peck, Science the Key to Theology: Volume One: Preliminaries (BCC Press); See also
Reid L. Neilson and Nathan N. Waite, eds., Settling the Valley, Proclaiming the Gospel: The General Epistles of the Mormon First Presidency (Oxford University Press)
Carol Cornwall Madsen, Emmeline B. Wells: An Intimate History (University of Utah Press)
Published Articles
Brian Hauglid, “Book of Abraham and Translating the Sacred”
Robin Scott Jensen, “The Joseph Smith Papers and the Book of Abraham”
Christopher Blythe, “The Church and Kingdom of God: Ecclesiastical Interpretations of the Council of Fifty”
Conferences and Events
Reid Neilson and Nathan Waite at Benchmark Books
2017 UVU Mormon Studies Conference on YouTube: Thurs sessions, Friday sessions
Sunstone Symposium in Southern Utah
2017 Association for Mormon Letters conference; AML Book Awards, Fundraiser
Sunstone Symposium in Boise
2017 Mormon History Association Registration
2017 Sunstone Symposium SLC
2017 FairMormon Conference
2017 JWHA in Nauvoo
Call for Papers/Applications
The International Society of Landscape, Place and Material Culture
AuthorCast #40: This Month in Mormon Studies March 01 2017

Join co-hosts Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report) in this lively look at the latest happenings in the field of Mormon studies, including news, blogs, new book releases, and events from the past month.
In the News
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on NPR's Fresh Air
Neylan McBaine, “As potters at the wheel, let us shape Utah from inside and outside” in SL Trib
Henry J. Eyring named president of BYU-Idaho
Updates to Joseph Smith Papers website
On the Blogs
“More Thoughts on Mormons and Muslims” by Paul Reeve
“The Modern Mormon Athletic Image” by Ben Park
“The Complexities of History in The Ensign” by Ben Spackman
“The Dance of Discourse” by Hannah Jung
Profile on Greg Kofford Books at AML by Andrew Hall
“Canon as Context: Insights from the Bible Wars” by Mike Austin
Recent Book Releases
Scott Hales, The Garden of Enid: Adventures of a Weird Mormon Girl, Part Two (Greg Kofford Books)
Devery S. Anderson, Ed., Salt Lake School of the Prophets, 1867-1883 (Signature Books)
Reid L. Neilson and Nathan N. Waite, eds., Settling the Valley: Proclaiming the Gospel: The General Epistles of the Mormon First Presidency (Oxford University Press)
Jennifer Reeder and Kate Holbrook, eds., At the Pulpit: 185 Years of Discourses by Latter-day Saint Women (Church Historian's Press)
Book Reviews by Brandt
Ann Taves, Revelatory Events: Three Case Studies of the Emergence of New Spiritual Paths (Princeton University Press)
Faith and Knowledge Conference
Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology
Kate Holbrook speaking at Tabernacle
Call for Papers/Applications
Joseph Smith Papers Conference
AuthorCast #35—Conversation with Scott Hales, creator of The Garden of Enid December 13 2016

In this episode, we chat with Scott Hales, author and illustrator of The Garden of Enid: Adventures of a Weird Mormon Girl.
About the book:
Fifteen-year-old Enid Gardner is a self-proclaimed “weird Mormon girl.” When she isn’t chatting with Joseph Smith or the Book of Abraham mummy, she’s searching for herself between the spaces of doubt and belief. Along the way, she must grapple with her Mormon faith as it adapts to the twenty-first century. She also must confront the painful mysteries at the heart of her strained relationship with her ailing mother.
This edition of The Garden of Enid: Adventures of a Weird Mormon Girl recasts the award-winning webcomic as a two-part graphic novel. With revised and previously unpublished comics, it features the familiar story that captivated thousands online, yet offers new glimpses into Enid’s year-long odyssey.
Preview the volume here.
Authorcast #14 - Reading by James Faulconer December 02 2015

In our latest episode, James Faulconer reads the introduction to Common Ground—Different Opinions: Latter-day Saints and Contemporary Issues.
*Subscribers to our free newsletter will receive a complimentary e-book copy of Common Ground—Different Opinions. Click the banner below for more information: