
AuthorCast #43: This Month in Mormon Studies May 01 2017


Join co-hosts Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report) in this lively look at the latest happenings in the field of Mormon studies, including news, blogs, new book releases, and events from the past month.

Highlights from this month include: Blogs becoming independent presses, Mormon studies nerds filing briefs in the U.S. Court of Appeals, Marlin K. Jensen and insider baseball, summer book club, temple ships and Ouija boards, and big words like indigeneity!


In the News

Firm Foundation Expo and bad science
BCC Press; See also
Ben Park in Newsweek; See also
Signature Books digital archives project
Jana Riess The Next Mormons survey: trust gap

On the Blogs

Vincenzo di Francesca: Cultural Impediments in the Way of His Baptism
Mormon Scholars Opposed to Refugee and Immigrant Ban
Embracing the Chaos and Diversity of Mormonism's Past: Laurie Maffly-Kipp's MHA Presidential Address
Mormon Interpreter: Looking Back, Almost Five Years On
“Providing intellectual and devotional frameworks” (Nibley Fellow Reflections)
Looking Deeper Into Joseph Smith's First Vision: Imagery, Cognitive Neuroscience, and the Construction of Memory
An Evening With Elder Marlin K. Jensen
My Thoughts on Patrick Mason's Miller Eccles Presentation
BCC Press Q&A for academic historians
The Third Annual Summer Book Club: A House Full of Females


LDS Women at the Pulpit - Jenny Reeder and Kate Holbrook
Tithing and the Law of Consecration - Steven C. Harper
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich and “A House Full of Females”
Darron Smith interviews on Gospel Tangents
Richard Bennett interviews on Gospel Tangents
On the Erasure of Native Americans from the Book of Mormon Conversation: Thomas Murphy
Kava, Culture, Indigeneity and Mormonism: Daniel Hernandez
God, the Image of God, Theosis, Sex and Godly Creation: Blair Ostler

Recent Book Releases

Steven Peck, Science the Key to Theology: Volume One: Preliminaries (BCC Press); See also
Reid L. Neilson and Nathan N. Waite, eds., Settling the Valley, Proclaiming the Gospel: The General Epistles of the Mormon First Presidency (Oxford University Press)
Carol Cornwall Madsen, Emmeline B. Wells: An Intimate History (University of Utah Press)

Published Articles

Brian Hauglid, “Book of Abraham and Translating the Sacred
Robin Scott Jensen, “The Joseph Smith Papers and the Book of Abraham
Christopher Blythe, “The Church and Kingdom of God: Ecclesiastical Interpretations of the Council of Fifty”

Conferences and Events

Reid Neilson and Nathan Waite at Benchmark Books
2017 UVU Mormon Studies Conference on YouTube: Thurs sessions, Friday sessions
Sunstone Symposium in Southern Utah
2017 Association for Mormon Letters conference; AML Book Awards, Fundraiser
Sunstone Symposium in Boise
2017 Mormon History Association Registration
2017 Sunstone Symposium SLC
2017 FairMormon Conference
2017 JWHA in Nauvoo

Call for Papers/Applications 

The International Society of Landscape, Place and Material Culture



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AuthorCast #42: This Month in Mormon Studies April 03 2017


Join co-hosts Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report) in this lively look at the latest happenings in the field of Mormon studies, including news, blogs, new book releases, and events from the past month.


In the News

Dr. Robert Rees appointed chair of Mormon studies at GTU

Community of Christ announces three new World Church Historians

Joseph M. Spencer named editor of JBMS

George Q. Cannon digitization update (sort of)

175th Anniversary of the Articles of Faith

Richard Turley honored by Mormon Historic Sites Foundation

Signature Books newspaper digitization at

JSP creates index to Joseph Fielding Smith's Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith

On the Blogs

William Law’s Amazing (and Suspect) Diary

Florence Smith Jacobsen: Saving Our Material Heritage

Eugenics and the Intellectual Underpinnings of Mormonism in the Alt-Right

Fake News, Leaked Documents, and the Book of Mormon

Also check out: Extra! Extra! Read All About It!: The Fake News of 1859

Finding a Story, or how to

Seers and Stones: The Translation of the Book of Mormon as Divine Visions of an Old-Time Seer

Finishing up the Book of Mormon Critical Text Project: An Introduction to The History of the Text of the Book of Mormon

Why Evolution and LDS Thought are Fully Compatible: Overcoming our Suspicions of Science

Three big things (and some little things) this lifelong Mormon learned from Matt Bowman's history of the Church

Denver Snuffer's teachings to be canonized

The good and bad of studying history

Paul Reeve wrote the race essay

The Relief Society 175th AnniversaryA Sermon

Five People Who Helped Found the Relief Society


Mark Lyman Staker on Gospel Tangents

The Book of Mormon as a 19th Centruy Political Commentary: Christopher C. Smith on A Thoughtful Faith

The Three Witnesses–Larry Morris on LDS Perspectives

In Brigham Young's Words–Gerrit Dirkmaat and LaJean Carruth on LDS Perspectives

New Perspectives on Joseph Smith and Revelation on Mormon Matters

Also: Faith Matters

Women at the Latter-day Saint pulpit, with Jennifer Reeder and Kate Holbrook on MIPodcast

Recent Book Releases 

Devery Anderson's Mississippi Freedem Summer Kickstarter

Patrick Q. Mason, What is Mormonism? A Students Introduction (Routledge)

Richard E. Turley Jr., Janiece L. Johnson, and Lajean Purecell Carruth, eds., Mountain Meadows Massacre: Collected Legal Papers (University of Oklahoma Press)

Michael Austin and Ardis E. Parshall, eds., Dime Novel Mormons (Greg Kofford Books)

Published Papers

Stephen Taysom, “’Satan Mourns Naked Upon the Earth’: Locating Mormon Possession and Exorcism Rituals in the American Religious Landscape, 1830-1977"

William Davis, “Reassessing Joseph Smith Jr.’s Formal Education”  

Conferences and Events

UVU Mormon Studies Conference

Book of Mormon Conference (formerly Book of Mormon Archaeological Foundation) 

Mormon Transhumanist Association 2017 conference

Mormon History Association 2017 conference

Kate Holbrook at Benchmark Books for At the Pulpit release event

Call for Papers/Applications 

Neal A. Maxwell Institute Summer Seminar

Surveying Trends in the Field: Mormon History and Mormon Studies in the Modern Academy



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AuthorCast #36—This Month in Mormon Studies, November 2016 December 20 2016


Join co-hosts Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report) in this lively look at the latest happenings in the field of Mormon studies, including news, blogs, new book releases, and events from the month of November!

Special guest: Stephanie Lauritzen from Signature Books.


In the News

Maxwell Institute film

Passing of Edward Kimball

By Common Consent tribute

Maxwell Institute Visiting Fellows

D. Todd Christofferson invocation on Senate floor

 Salt Lake Tribune coverage

Retirement of "To Young Men Only" pamphlet

Revelations in Context Sunday School supplement

Gospel Topics Essays added to Sunday School lesson manual

On the Blogs

Ben Park, "2016 in Retrospect"

Christian Anderson, "Heavenly Parents at Conference"

Jessica Finnegan, Kari Waters, and Nancy Ross, "What are Mormon feminists trying to do?"

Nancy Ross review of One Hundred Birds Taught Me to Fly

Fair Mormon interviews:

Braving Isaiah with Joseph M. Spencer

Translating with Seer Stones with Michael Hubbard McKay

The Book of Mormon: A Closer Look with Brant Gardner

Emma Smith "An Elect Lady" with Matthew J. Grow

Steve Evans Book Review Roundup

Ashley Mae Hoiland "For many years my voice shook"

Johnathan Stapley, "Tools for teachers 2017"

Recent Book Releases 

Donald Faber, James Jesse Strang: The Rise and Fall of Michigan's Mormon King (University of Michigan Press)

Scott Hales, The Garden of Enid: Adventures of a Weird Mormon Girl, Part One (Greg Kofford Books)

Richard S. Van Wagoner, Natural Born Seer: Joseph Smith, American Prophet: 1805–1830 (Smith-Pettit Foundation)

Recent and Upcoming Events

"Intellectual Life of Mormonism" final panel at University of Utah

Call for Papers 

2017 Mormon Theology Seminar

2017 Mormon Scholars in the Humanities




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AuthorCast #24 - This Month in Mormon Studies! June 03 2016


This Month in Mormon Studies is a new series co-hosted by Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report). In this engaging and lighthearted series, Brian and Brandt will be discussing the latest going's-on in the field of Mormon studies. From news and blog highlights to new book releases and upcoming events, this monthly series is not to be missed. Subscribe today!

See the links below for more information about topics discussed in the episode:

Subscribe to the Mormon News Report.

In the News

Spencer Fluhman named director of Maxwell Institute

Historian Ronald Walker passed away at age 76

George D. Smith receives honorary Doctorate from University of Utah

First edition of Book of Mormon to be part of Library of Congress

On the Blogs

Juvenile Instructor Book Club for Summer 2016 - Mormon Enigma

Harmonized First Vision accounts in CES broadcast (times & Seasons)

Matthew Grow’s touching tribute to Ronald Walker @ BCC

Re-examining and re-evaluating the Gospel Topics essays by Mary-Ann at W&T

Steve Taysom interviewed by Matt Bowman on craft of biography writing

Latest Book Releases

Adam Miller, Future Mormon: Essays in Mormon Theology

Kate Holbrook and Matthew Bowman, eds., Women and Mormonism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

Gregory A. Prince, Leonard Arrington and the Writing of Mormon History

Matthew C. Godfrey, et al., eds., Joseph Smith Papers: Documents, Vol. 4: April 1834 - September 1835

Martha Bradley-Evans, Glorious in Persecution: Joseph Smith, American Prophet, 1839-1844

Patrick Q. Mason, ed., Directions for Mormon Studies in the Twenty-First Century

Laura Hales, ed., A Reason for Faith: Navigating LDS Doctrine & Church History

Read Brandt Malone's interview with Laura Hales on the Cultural Hall Podcast.

Upcoming Events

UVU professor Brian Birch to teach new class at University of Utah - “The Intellectual Life of Mormonism.”

Mormonism in Religious Studies workshop at University of Utah

Mormon History Association 2016 Conference in Snowbird, UT

Mormon Women's History Initiative Team (MWHIT) sponsoring a fundraising bazaar at MHA.

Greg Prince author event at Benchmark Books, June 8

Greg Prince author event at Writ & Vision, June 9

Adam Miller author event at Writ & Vision, June 14

Jack Harrell author event at Writ & Vision, June 28

Matthew Godfrey speaking on Zion's Camp at Temple Square Assembly Hall, June 23



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