AuthorCast #24 - This Month in Mormon Studies! June 03 2016

This Month in Mormon Studies is a new series co-hosted by Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report). In this engaging and lighthearted series, Brian and Brandt will be discussing the latest going's-on in the field of Mormon studies. From news and blog highlights to new book releases and upcoming events, this monthly series is not to be missed. Subscribe today!
See the links below for more information about topics discussed in the episode:
Subscribe to the Mormon News Report.
In the News
Spencer Fluhman named director of Maxwell Institute
Historian Ronald Walker passed away at age 76
George D. Smith receives honorary Doctorate from University of Utah
First edition of Book of Mormon to be part of Library of Congress
On the Blogs
Juvenile Instructor Book Club for Summer 2016 - Mormon Enigma
Harmonized First Vision accounts in CES broadcast (times & Seasons)
Matthew Grow’s touching tribute to Ronald Walker @ BCC
Re-examining and re-evaluating the Gospel Topics essays by Mary-Ann at W&T
Steve Taysom interviewed by Matt Bowman on craft of biography writing
Latest Book Releases
Adam Miller, Future Mormon: Essays in Mormon Theology
Kate Holbrook and Matthew Bowman, eds., Women and Mormonism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Gregory A. Prince, Leonard Arrington and the Writing of Mormon History
Matthew C. Godfrey, et al., eds., Joseph Smith Papers: Documents, Vol. 4: April 1834 - September 1835
Martha Bradley-Evans, Glorious in Persecution: Joseph Smith, American Prophet, 1839-1844
Patrick Q. Mason, ed., Directions for Mormon Studies in the Twenty-First Century
Laura Hales, ed., A Reason for Faith: Navigating LDS Doctrine & Church History
Read Brandt Malone's interview with Laura Hales on the Cultural Hall Podcast.
Upcoming Events
Mormonism in Religious Studies workshop at University of Utah
Mormon History Association 2016 Conference in Snowbird, UT
Mormon Women's History Initiative Team (MWHIT) sponsoring a fundraising bazaar at MHA.
Greg Prince author event at Benchmark Books, June 8
Greg Prince author event at Writ & Vision, June 9
Adam Miller author event at Writ & Vision, June 14
Jack Harrell author event at Writ & Vision, June 28
Matthew Godfrey speaking on Zion's Camp at Temple Square Assembly Hall, June 23