
Authorcast #103: The Expanded Canon August 24 2018

Episode 103: The Expanded Canon
Hosted by Brian Whitney

On this episode, editors Blair Van Dyke, Brian Birch, and Boyd Petersen discuss the development of the Mormon Studies program at Utah Valley University, their annual conferences, the new UVU Comparative Mormon Studies series with Greg Kofford Books, as well as the contributors and topics in the first volume: The Expanded Canon: Perspectives on Mormonism and Sacred Texts.

For those in the Utah area, please join us for the following events with the editors:

Tue Sep 18 | Writ & Vision (Provo) at 7:00 PM | RSVP on Facebook
Wed Sep 19 | Benchmark Books (SLC) at 5:30 PM | RSVP on Facebook

The Expanded Canon: Perspectives on Mormonism and Sacred Texts
Edited by Blair G. Van Dyke, Brian D. Birch, and Boyd J. Petersen

Part of the UVU Comparative Mormon Studies series

Pre-order your copy



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AuthorCast #102: Interview with Charles Randall Paul July 25 2018

Episode 102: Interview with Charles Randall Paul
Hosted by Brian Whitney

In this episode, Charles Randall Paul discusses his forthcoming book, Converting the Saints: A Study of Religious Rivalry in America, as well as the interfaith organization he founded, the Foundation for Religious Diplomacy, and offers a few suggestions for dealing with religious, political, and ideological conflict. Be sure to check out his recent article, "Contesting Truth through Mutual Openness."

Converting the Saints: A Study of Religious Rivalry in America
By Charles Randall Paul

Available August 7, 2018
Pre-order your copy



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