AuthorCast #37: This Month in Mormon Studies January 18 2017
Join co-hosts Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report) in this lively look at the latest happenings in the field of Mormon studies, including news, blogs, new book releases, and events from the past month!
In the News
Sunday School Supplement on Mormon Women Project
JSP “Firsthand Accounts of the First Vision” video
Ordain Women “Where We Stand” documentary
“Understanding Church History by Study and by Faith” in Ensign
On the Blogs
“Previewing 2017: Looking Ahead to Forthcoming Books in Mormon History” by Ben Park
“Year in Review ... 1975, That Is” by Tona H
“A Note of Discord? The Mormon Tabernacle Choir at Trump's Inauguration” by Joseph Stuart
“What is 'Early' Mormon History?” by Christopher
“George Q. Cannon Journals” by Richard Dilworth Rust
“Scripture and Historical Context: A Contemporary Example” by Nathaniel Givens
“Look Back at 2016 With the Tarefic Wheaties Awards”
Maxwell Institute Podcast: “Standing Apart, or Reconsidering the 'Great Apostasy,'” featuring Miranda Wilcox and John Young
Year of Polygamy: “Married to Warren Jeffs”
LDS Perspectives Podcast: “Curriculum and Correlation with David B. Marsh”
Recent Book Releases
Joseph Smith Papers, Joseph Smith's Revelations: A Doctrine and Covenants Study Companion from the Joseph Smith Papers e-book (Church Historian's Press)
Janiece Johnson and Jenny Reeder, The Witness of Women: Firsthand Experiences and Testimonies from the Restoration (Deseret Book Company)
Book Reviews by Brandt
Holly Welker, ed., Baring Witness: 36 Mormon Women Talk Candidly about Love, Sex, and Marriage
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, A House Full of Females: Plural Marriage and Women's Rights in Early Mormonism, 1835–1870 (Knopf)
Recent and Upcoming Events
Utah Valley Historical Society explores impact of the former RLDS Church in Utah
"Enamored but Ambivalent: Mormonism and 20th Century New Media" lecture at University of Utah
Call for Papers/Applications
Marlin K Jensen Mormon Studies and Artist in Residence Program at University of Utah