AuthorCast #30 — This Month in Mormon Studies, July 2016 August 05 2016

Join co-hosts Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report) in this lively look at the latest happenings in the field of Mormon studies, including news, blogs, new book releases, and events! Our special guest this month is Brittany Mangleson from Project Zion Podcast.
Music by Starflyer 59 from their record SLOW.
In the News
Radio West interview with Greg Prince
BYU Mormon Studies conversation group
Internship with Church Historic Sites
On the Blogs
Jana Reiss, "Can Mormon women be witness to priesthood ordinances?"
Margaret Blair Young, "Race and Mormonism–2016 Edition (the less coy version)"
Aaron Brown, "Does the LDS Church Believe the Priesthood Ban was of Divine Origin or Not?"
Ardis Parshall, "A Stealthy Return to Bad Practices of the Past"
David G., "Heavenly Ledgers and Ghostly Specters: Two Recent Articles"
Blair Hodges, "For the church in Russia, sustaining doesn't mean agreeing"
Emily Grover, "Sister Wives of the Traveling Pants: Confronting My Polygamous Ancestry"
Joseph Stuart, "Death and the Historian's Empathy"
Recent Book Releases
Michael Austin and Ardis E. Parshall, eds., Boadicea; The Mormon Wife: Life-Scenes in Utah
Julie M. Smith, ed., Apocalypse: Reading Revelation 21-22
Stephen L. Prince, Hosea Stout: Lawman, Legislator, Mormon Defender
Scholarly Journals
Journal of Mormon History, Vol 42, No. 3 (July 2016)
Recent and Upcoming Events
Richard Bushman Colloquium now available online
2016 Science & Mormonism Symposium videos
2016 Sunstone SLC Summer Symposium
Daniel Stone's forthcoming biography William Bickerton
BYU New Testament Commentary Conference
Upcoming Events and Call for Papers
2017 Mormon History Association Conference, call for papers
2016 Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology Seminar
2016 John Whitmer Historical Association Conference