AuthorCast #28 - This Month in Mormon Studies, June 2016 June 28 2016

Join co-hosts Brian Whitney (Greg Kofford Books) and Brandt Malone (Mormon News Report) along with guest Stephen Smoot (Book of Mormon Central) in this lively look at the latest happenings in the field of Mormon studies, including news, blogs, new book releases, and events!
“It's like Car Talk for Mormon studies!” - Someone online somewhere, probably
Check out Book of Mormon Central
See Stephen Smoot's segment on the Conan O'Brien Show
In the News
Sherman Fleek received the Secretary of Army Award for Valor
Check out Sherman L. Fleek's book, Saints of Valor
James Talmage's diaries digitized
On the Blogs
Brother Guy Consolmagno's keynote at 2016 Science & Mormonism Symposium
“Was Joseph Smith Ever Convicted of a Crime?” by John Dinger
“A rare contradiction in terms”: Mormonism Racism and the Utah Jazz by Christopher
“Early Mormons and Mass Poisoning" by Christopher Smith
Digitizania! by Tod R.
“On doing Mormon theology as a non-Mormon” by Bridget Jack Jeffries
“A Reaction to the New Leonard Arrington Book” by Julie Smith
“Reassassing Robert Flanders’s NAUVOO: KINGDOM ON THE MISSISSIPPI, Fifty Years Later” by Ben P.
“Free Book, or What I learned at MHA” by Meg Stout
“The Ammonites Were Not Pacifists” by Duane Boyce
“Mormon founder turned over priesthood keys to women, says Deseret Book author” by Jana Reiss
Check out Fiona Given's article, “The Perfect Union of Man and Woman” in Dialogue.
Latest Book Releases
Reid L. Neilson and Mark Mellville, eds., A Historian in Zion: The Autobiography of Andrew Jenson, Assistant Church Historian
Jack Harrell, Writing Ourselves: Essays on Creativity, Craft, and Mormonism
Thomas F. Rogers, Let Your Hearts and Minds Expand: Reflections on Faith, Reason, Charity, and Beauty
Read Stephen Smoot's full review
Martha Bradley Evans, Glorious in Persecution: Joseph Smith, American Prophet, 1839-1844 (Also mentioned in previous episode)
Recent and Upcoming Events
MHA 2016 session highlights:
Sexual violence in Missouri panel
Council of Fifty Minutes panel
MHA 2016 Awards:
Leonard J. Arrington Award given to Michael Quinn
Best Book
Paul Reeve, Religion of a Different Color: Race and the Mormon Struggle for Whiteness (University of Utah Press)
Honorable Mention: Thomas Carter, Building Zion: The Material World of Mormon Settlement (University of Minnesota Press)
Best Biography
Ronald Romig, Eighth Witness: The Biography of John Whitmer (John Whitmer Books).
Honorable Mention: Michael Hicks, The Mormon Tabernacle Choir: A Biography (University of Illinois Press)
Best Documentary Editing
Royal Skousen and Robin Scott Jensen, eds. Revelations and Translations, Volume 3: Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon (Church Historian’s Press)
Best First Book
David Hall, A Faded Legacy: Amy Brown Lyman and Mormon Women’s Activism, 1872-1959 (University of Utah Press)
For a complete list of Awards, click here.
2016 Mormon Theology Seminar Conference
Check out J Stuart's write-up in Juvenile Instructor
Greg Prince’s author event at Benchmark Books now on YouTube
Looking ahead:
Julie Smith at Writ & Vision July 21st for two forthcoming releases: Apocalypse: Reading Revelation 21–22 and As Iron Sharpens Iron: Listening to the Various Voices of Scripture.
2016 Sunstone Summer Symposium July 27-30 at the University of Utah.