Cheryl L. Bruno

Cheryl L. Bruno has a BS in Recreation Management from Greensboro College and did graduate work in Educational Psychology at Brigham Young University. Cheryl is an independent researcher on Mormon history, with publications in the Journal of Religion and Society, the John Whitmer Historical Association Journal, and the Journal of Mormon History. She has also presented at the Mormon History Association Annual Conference, the Claremont Mormon Studies Conference, the Pacific Northwest Region Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature, the John Whitmer Historical Association Annual Conference, Sunstone Symposium, and the Mormonism and Western Esotericism Conference. In addition, Cheryl is Director of Resident Life at Madonna Gardens Assisted Living and Memory Care, has published personal essays and poetry in several anthologies, and has created a deck of Mormon-themed tarot cards.
Cheryl is a co-author of Method Infinite: Freemasonry and the Mormon Restoration and Come Up Hither to Zion: William Marks and the Mormon Concept of Gathering.