The Incomparable Jesus


by Grant H. Palmer

  • “This book reminds me why I am proud to be a Christian.” — Dee Benson
  • “A call for a radical discipleship that transcends theological and even ecclesiastical boundaries.” — Association for Mormon Letters

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Book Synopsis:

Distilled from his personal experiences in teaching Jesus to the hard-to-reach, this professional educator has produced a tender testament to the incomparable Jesus. It describes a Savior who walked with him through the halls of the county jail where he served as chaplain, succoring those in need.
     In this slim volume, Palmer sensitively shares his understanding of what it means to know Jesus by doing his works. He lists the qualities of divine character attested to by the Apostles Peter and Paul, and also those that Jesus revealed about himself in his masterful Sermon on the Mount, particularly in the beatitudes.
     With reverence Palmer shares personal spiritual experiences that were life-changing assurances of Jesus’s love for him—a love poured out unstintingly in equally life-changing blessings on prisoners whose crimes had not stopped short of sexual abuse and murder. Reading this book offers a deeper understanding of the Savior’s mercy, a stronger sense of his love, and a deeper commitment to follow him.

Comprehensive Table of Contents:



1. Knowing Jesus

2. Jesus Defines the Christian

Jesus Is Meek
Jesus Hungers and Thirsts after Righteousness
Jesus Is More Merciful than Justice Requires
Jesus Is Pure in Heart
Jesus Is a Peacemaker
Jesus Returns Good for Evil

3. The Kingdom of Heaven

4. The Character of Jesus

God’s Respect for Free Agency
Jesus’ Acceptance of Others’ Love
Jesus’ Empathy for Others
His Intervention in Our Lives
Jesus Teaches Equality under the Law
Jesus’ View on the Church and Equality
Jesus’ Equal Treatment of Women and Children
Choose Spiritual Opportunity over the Mundane
Jesus’ Attitude toward Riches
Jesus’ Views on Marriage and Divorce
Jesus’ Personal Prayers
Jesus’ Perspective on his Second Advent
Jesus’ Leadership Style and Teaching

5. The Meaning of Atonement

6. Doing the Works of God

7. Finding Jesus in Jail

Appendix: A Chronology of Jesus’ Ministry

Birth and Preparation
Galilean Ministry
Gentile Area Ministry
Judean Ministry
Peraean Ministry
Passion Week and Resurrection

Subject Index
Scripture Index

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine and Covenants
Pearl of Great Price



Praise for The Incomparable Jesus:

“This book reminds me why I am proud to be a Christian; and it makes me want to be a better one. This slender volume provides a better insight into the atonement than anything I have ever read. Grant Palmer has given us a timely gem of a book, one that is focused exclusively on the Savior.” — Dee Benson - Chief Judge, U.S. Federal District Court of Utah
“The Incomparable Jesus is a call for a radical discipleship that transcends theological and even ecclesiastical boundaries, lifting the believer above the doctrinal fray into the more important area of Christian behavior and attitude. [The book] reflects decades of service to the Church, agrowing, maturing understanding of how followers of Christ are to act, anda serenity that comes with the knowledge that the path is laid out for using simple, uncomplicated language, and that the goal is attainable by all.” — Jeffrey Needle, Association for Mormon Letters

About the Author:

Grant Palmer closed his thirty-four-year career teaching for the LDS Church Educational System with the final thirteen years as a chaplain and LDS Institute director at the Salt Lake County Jail.

More Information:

Pages: 157
ISBN: 978-1-58958-092-3 (Paperback)
Published 2005