A Bundle of Choices: The Option Overload of LDS Mothers Today


by Anne-Marie Wright

Book Synopsis:

Children. Education. Work. Self-improvement. Church. Relaxation. Today, women enjoy more options and opportunities than ever before. Women can do anything and be anything they want. But all these choices seem overwhelming at times. What do women want to do, and in what priority, and when?
     The option overload presented today demands that LDS women perform a delicate balancing act, whether by choice or circumstance. With so many avenues available, prioritizing their lives and maintaining their sanity can be complicated. Women have the world advocating the benefits of working, the Church touting the joys of motherhood and the importance of education, and their own personalities and abilities weighing in as well. How do women reconcile these competing demands and enjoy their rewards?
     Interviewing more than 100 women throughout the country, Wright brings readers along on a personal journey toward self-discovery and an understanding of the acrobatic juggling required by LDS women today.

About the Author: 

Anne-Marie Wright earned both her bachelor’s degree in political science and her master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University. She served as Deputy Director of Communications for the New York City Council and has written for several publications. She lives with her two children in Salt Lake City.

More Information:

Pages: 231
ISBN: 978-1-58958-018-3 (paperback)