Gene A. Sessions

Gene A. Sessions is Brady Presidential Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah. A native of Ogden, he received his PhD from Florida State University in 1974 and joined the faculty at Weber the following year. He is the author or editor of numerous works, including Mormon Thunder: A Documentary History of Jedediah Morgan Grant (1982, 2008), Latter-day Patriots: Nine Mormon Families and Their Revolutionary War Heritage (1975), Prophesying upon the Bones: J. Reuben Clark and the Foreign Debt Crisis, 1933-39 (1992), Camp Floyd and the Mormons: The Utah War (with Donald R. Moorman, 1992, 2005), The Search for Harmony: Essays on Science and Mormonism (with Craig J. Oberg, 1993), Utah International: A Biography of a Business (with Sterling D. Sessions, 2002, 2005), and Mormon Democrat: The Religious and Political Memoirs of James Henry Moyle (1975, 1998), for which he received the Mormon History Association’s annual award for best edited work. He has also been a consultant on documentaries and committees exploring the Utah War and the Mountain Meadows Massacre and is past president of the Mountain Meadows Association. With his colleague Microbiologist Craig Oberg, he team-teaches a Massive Open Online Course on the effects of disease on history. He and his wife Shantal have four children and eleven grandchildren.
Gene is the author of Mormon Thunder: A Documentary History of Jedediah Morgan Grant.