Greg Kofford Books Authors at Sunstone July 27 2015

If you have the opportunity to attend this year's Sunstone Symposium (July 29 - August 1) at the University of Utah, check out the many sessions where Kofford authors are presenting papers and sitting on panels:


David Bokovoy, author of Authoring the Old Testament: Genesis - Deuteronomy, and Julie Smith, author of Search, Ponder, and Pray: A Guide to the Gospels will be part of a panel discussion to speak about world famous New Testament scholar John Dominic Crossan's "The Kingdom Mind: From Jesus to Paul and the Implications for Mormonism." This is the Smith-Pettit Lecture, Wednesday, July 29, Saltair Room. 

A panel of women scholars and writers tackles the question of meeting feminist concerns without priesthood ordination, particularly as outlined in Neylan McBaine's widely popular Women at Church: Magnifying LDS Women's Local Impact, "Women and the Church: Addressing LDS Feminist Concerns." Session 351, Saturday, August 1, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m., Saltair Room. 
A panel consisting of several contributors will discuss various issues and events explored in Voices For Equality: Ordain Women and Resurgent Mormon Feminism. The volume will first be available at our table at Sunstone, and can be purchased online beginning July 29th. Session 373, Saturday, August 1, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m., Panorama East Room. 
Popular educator and speaker Bob Rees, author of the forthcoming The Cost of Discipleship: The Dimensions of a Mature Mormon Faith will be speaking in several sessions:
  • "Why the Heart Is As Important As the Brain: Combining New Science with Ancient Wisdom." Session 124, Thursday, July 30, 10:15 - 11:15, Panorama East Room. 
  • "The Environment: A Moral Issue For the Saints." Session 166, Thursday, July 30, 3:45 - 4:45, West Ballroom.
  • "Sunday School Psychotherapy: Mormon Poets on Vulnerability and Madness, Healing and Hope." Session 173, Thursday, July 30, 5:00 - 6:30, Collegiate Room. 
  • "Transmormons." Session 226, Friday, July 31, 10:15  - 11:15, West Ballroom
  • "Joseph Smith's First Vision: Imagery, Neurology, and the Construction of Memory." Session 261, Friday, July 31, 3:45 - 4:45, Saltair Room. 
Cheryl Bruno and Joe Steve Swick III, authors of the forthcoming, Method Infinite: Freemasonry and the Mormon Restoration, will present papers on "A Bible! A Bible?: Interacting with the Book of Mormon," Session 151, Thursday, July 30, 2:00 - 3:30, Saltair Room. 
Joshua Madson, author of the forthcoming Buried Words: Recovering the Nonviolent Message of the Book of Mormon, and Sheila Taylor, co-editor of the forthcoming Perspectives on Mormon Theology: Grace, will present papers as part of a panel with eminent New Testament scholar, John Dominic Crossan, "Author Meets Critics: How to Read the Bible and Still Be a Christian." Session 152, Thursday, July 30, 2:00 - 3:30, Crimson View Room. 

Josh will also present a paper entitled, "Foundational Murder: The Slaying of Laban," Session 273, Friday, July 31, 5:00 - 6:30, Collegiate Room.
Boyd Petersen, author of Dead Wood and Rushing Water: Essays on Mormon Faith, Culture, and Family, and Hugh Nibley: A Consecrated Life will present as part of a panel, "Does the Concept of Zion Still Energize Mormon Hearts and Minds Today?" Session 155, Thursday, July 30, 2:00 - 3:30, West Ballroom. 
Finally, our own Greg Kofford will participate in a panel entitled, "Out of the Best Books: A Look at Some Important Books and Their Impact on Mormonism," Session 356, Saturday, August 1, 2:00 to 3:30, West Ballroom.