Translating the Book of Mormon December 31 2013

The LDS Church recently posted an essay at its website on the Book of Mormon translation process. Check out these Kofford Books titles dealing with the same subject.


The Gift and Power: Translating the Book of Mormon 
by Brant A. Gardner
"...a game changer—a paradigm-bending exercise combining rigorous methodology with creativity in a historical analysis of the Book of Mormon translation story.... Go read this wonderful, provocative, creative book.... I can’t recommend The Gift and Power:Translating the Book of Mormonenough.” — Blair Hodges, Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship


Dead Wood and Rushing Water: Essays on Mormon Faith, Culture, and Family 
by Boyd Jay Petersen

This reflective essay collection from Hugh Nibley biographer Boyd Petersen includes a thoughtful and insightful treatment of translation, "The Mystery of the Gold Plates: the Origins of the Book of Mormon and the Life of Faith." Joseph Smith biographer Richard Bushman writes ofDead Wood and Rushing Water, "It is a book I had trouble putting down."

Knowing Brother Joseph Again: Perceptions and Perspectives
by Davis Bitton

This intimate look at the Prophet historian Davis Bitton examines differing images of and perspectives on Joseph Smith. It includes an insightful chapter on Joseph Smith's relationship to the Book of Mormon text he was translating. Bitton died just before completing Knowing Brother Joseph, but he left us with a thoughtful account of, in his words, "some of the different, flickering, but not always compatible views" people held of the prophet, "refracted through the lens of their own experience."

The translation of the Book of Mormon is also examined in Brant Gardners 6-Volume Second Witness series, as well as Volume 1 of the Book of Mormon Symposium Series from Brigham Young University. 

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